- An empty 2-liter bottle can make a useful and sturdy bird feeder.Wash the inside and outside of the bottle well, and remove as much of the label as possible. If there is a plastic bottom attached to the outside of the soda bottle, remove it.Drill two 1/8-inch-wide holes several inches apart in the center of the bottom of the soda bottle. These will be used to thread wire through for hanging the bird feeder.Drill four 5/16-inch holes in the sides of the bottle for perches. Make two holes directly across from each other and slide one dowel through two opposite holes. Make another two holes either slightly above the first two holes or slightly below so that the second dowel can be slid through these holes. Drill feeding holes above the perch holes. Make the feeding holes approximately the same size as the perch holes if the bird feeder will be used for sunflower seeds. The feeding holes can be smaller to use the feeder for niger seed.Use a wire coat hanger and clip off a section long enough to bend and twist into a hanger for the top of the bird feeder. Thread the wire through one hanging hole and through the second. Twist the wire to make it into a loop for hanging.Fill the bird feeder through the opening and twist the bottle cap on securely.
Remember to keep extra seed on hand. You'd be amazed how fast those little birds will eat all that food!
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